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Race, stunt and do battle with a dragon in the multi-level Hot Wheels City Ultimate Garage.
The first floor features cool track-play details like moveable hoses, a car wash with a foam roller, diverters and connectors to connect to other sets as part of a larger Hot Wheels City. (Additional sets sold separately.)
Take the two-car elevator to the next level where kids can launch the 2 included Hot Wheels cars straight from the elevator into a side-by-side race.
On the third level, launch into a side-by-side loop stunt, adjusting the diverters to change the cars' final destinations.
A car-hungry dragon awaits on the 4th level, and kids launch their Hot Wheels to defeat it or else get eaten. Eaten cars get 'pooped' out, while the defeated dragon plummets to the bottom of the garage.
Take advantage of the more than 50 parking spots for easy and convenient Hot Wheels storage.
The Hot Wheels City Ultimate Garage includes 2 Hot Wheels vehicles, making this a great gift for kids 5 years old and up.