Current price matches the average price for this product.
These’s 59% probability of this price will increase soon.
Our advice is to buy.
6 months ago
Now $4.3 less
3 months ago
Price History
Flaunt Your Molcar Fashion Sense - Customise and dress up your Molcar with an assortment of over 80 accessories for you to mix and match with!
Minigames - An exciting array of minigames awaits! Includes scenes from the show! - Step into the Molcar world with a medley of fun minigames spanning all genres! Throw a party, dance, even play soccer - cops and robbers too! Up to 4 players can enjoy 10 minigames total!
Hanging Out - Enjoy endearing Molcar reactions! - More Molcars will flock to town once it begins to flourish! There are over 40 Molcars for you to meet! Find a favorite? Try feeding and petting it—you'll be best friends before long! Lob a carrot into a crowd and watch the ensuing dash!