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23 Rangers & Villains Across Generations: Includes all characters from the Collector’s Edition, Seasons One, Two, Three and seven skins; Story and combat voiceovers are authentically performed by some of the members of the original Power Rangers cast
All-New Street Fighter Pack: The latest addition to Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid introduces Street Fighter characters Ryu as the Crimson Hawk Ranger and Chun-Li as the Blue Phoenix Ranger, as well as exclusive skins
Iconic Locations: Zordon’s Training Room and the Command Center from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Lord Drakkon’s Throne Room from Boom. Comics’ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and Planet Earth: Cenozoic Era and Tower from the 2017 Power Rangers movie
Original Story: A Reimagining of the Shattered Grid Event: In Story Mode, players experience a re-imagining of the critically acclaimed Shattered Grid event from Boom. Studios’ Power Rangers comic book series
Crossplay & Cross-progression: This is the first fighting game to enable crossplay and cross-progression among Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, Steam, and Stadia, where players across all gaming platforms can battle against each other