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DULCE DE LECHE – This is a thick and sweet dairy product; is one of the most popular desserts in Argentina and Latin America. This product receives different names depending on the country in which it is consumed: as manjar, arequipe or cajeta.
CLASSIC, FAMILIAR OR TRADITIONAL – The main characteristic of the classic dulce de leche is its thickness and its bright brown tone. This product is obtained by cooking milk with sugar, and is generally used as a topping for desserts, as a spread or marbling.
TASTE AND TEXTURE – This Dulce de Leche has a soft consistency and is easy to spread; Due to its delicious sweet and creamy flavor, it is ideal for alfajores, wafers, cakes, pancakes, toasts and fruits.
CARAMEL SAUCE – This Dulce de Leche is also perfect for your favorite drink or ice cream. In addition, it fulfills a double function: as a topping for desserts and as a dipping for snacks.
INGREDIENTS – The dulce de leche made in Argentina is made from cow's milk, sugar, vanilla bean (or artificial vanilla essence) and a pinch of baking soda