INSIDE GREETING: "Many Wishes For A Merry Christmas And A Glorious New Year." COVER - He was going to be a lot more specific with his wishes next time!
SIZE - Bulk box set of 12 assorted Christmas greeting cards, envelopes. 1 Design, 12 Each. Fits in a 5" x 7" envelope. Some styles are available blank or with a greeting inside. With the wide selection of designs and art styles, we offer a unique match for men and women alike, looking for the right notecard for their special, personal message.
USE: humorous stationery for writing Christmas wishes. Card's cover pages are printed on coated stock and have a high gloss finish, while the cards interior pages are uncoated for a smooth and flawless writing surface. Perfect for men and women.
SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE - Keeping US jobs at home, our products are Made in the USA (and Canada) for almost 40 years. We use thick, white, glossy cardstock, w/ 30% recycled content (no papyrus, naturally). We work to minimize environmental impact!