Current price matches the higher end of average price for this product.
These’s 56% probability of this price will decrease.
Our advice is to watch the price.
5 months ago
Now $10.2 less
a year ago
Price History
The Book of Many Things (192-page hardcover)—A book for players and Dungeon Masters alike with content that can be dropped into any campaign, all thematically tied to The Deck of Many Things
The Deck of Many Things (66-card deck)—Own one of D&D’s most legendary magic items with a deck containing the original 22 cards with updated art, plus 44 additional cards that can be substituted to customize your play experience
The Deck of Many Things Card Reference Guide (80-page hardcover)—Deck guidebook showcasing each card in the expanded deck and a variety of ways the deck can be used
Deck Box—Sturdy custom box to store your deck and deck reference guide